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dance on swing

language flag Introduction au projet documentaire
language flag Summary of the documentary film project
language flag Caractéristiques - produit(S) DVD(s)
language flag Synopsis
language flag Traitement formel
language flag Les démos
language flag Les cours
language flag Exemple - script de la vidéo d'instruction
language flag Exemples - questions pour interviews
language flag Description des contrats
language flag Contrat - autorisation de diffusion
language flag Contrat d'intention
language flag Talents' contracts - summary
language flag Talents' contract of intent
language flag Divers

Talents' contract of intent

documentary DVD
working title 'Genesis & Genealogy of Lindy in France'



name:   line
address:   line
phone (optional):   line
e-mail (optional):   line
web-site (optional):   line
hereafter referred to as: 'talent'

whereas both parties have expressed their intent to draw up a talents' contract



The talent assigns the rights
  1. coverage of dance performances
  2. buffer shots of classes, professional & social life where the talent may appear
    (as a leading character or in the background)
  3. interviews
made during this period: hereafter referred to as 'video footage'
to the film-director.



The talent authorises the editing, video-compositing of the video footage for the purpose of:
    a documentary film - Dance on Swing - working title 'Genesis & Genealogy of Lindy Hop in France'
hereafter referred to as 'documentary film'



The talent authorises the use of stills drawn from the video footage for the purpose of:
  1. the dvd sleeve for the 'documentary film'
  2. the promotion of the 'documentary film' on relevant web-sites & flyers
hereafter referred to as 'sleeve'



The talent agrees to approve the documentary film and its sleeve by:
  1. being sent by (air) mail a pre-release of the documentary film (featuring a visible time code) on a dvd
  2. viewing the pre-release of the documentary film within 45 days from receipt of the dvd
  3. submitting any comments or demanding that some sequences may be cut out by providing adequate in and out time code within 45 days
  4. crossing out by hand or correcting any mistakes in names borne on the sleeve and sending a scanned copy of the sleeve with the changes required within 45 days


Beyond 45 days from postal acknowledgement of receipt the lack of reply by mail, email or fax by the talent is regarded as an approval of the documentary film's contents and sleeve.



The talent authorises the editing, video-compositing of the video footage for the purpose of: hereafter referred to as 'trailer'



The talent authorises the duplication, reproduction, exhibition and distribution of the trailer
  1. for the purpose of the non-remunerated promotion of Lindy Hop worldwide
  2. by any non profit making organisation
  3. via free download and streaming from any web-site
  4. as from 01 August 2008 or some later date when the documentary film is ready for release



The talent agrees to approve the trailer by:
  1. being sent by air mail a pre-release of the trailer (featuring a visible time code) on a dvd
  2. viewing the pre-release of the trailer within 45 days from receipt of the dvd
  3. submitting any comments or demanding that some sequences may be cut out by providing adequate in and out time code within 45 days



The film-director includes the name & web-site (if available) of the talent as well as the circumstances and year in the particular case of a performance in either or both the relevant sequence during the film and credit titles of the documentary film.



The talent acknowledges the fact that he/she will not be remunerated as long as the film director and his crew have not been paid for the production of the documentary film. The talent may however expect some financial reward should the documentary film be aired below its production costs. In such a case the remuneration is calculated on an arbitrary basis by the film-director.



Remuneration for the shooting of video footage with the talent takes into account the following:
  1. in the case of distribution on dvd via local retailers: quantity of dvds released, territories covered for resale, price of a dvd, total costs
  2. in the case of Tv broadcast: local talents' rates, time & number of airings, geographical coverage, Tv budget for purchasing broadcast rights
  3. prorata of the talent's interventions to the documentary film's total length (as practised by the SACEM, SCAM & SPEDIDAM, i.e. French bodies vested with authors & performers' rights to their image)
  4. narrative relevance of the talent's interventions within the documentary film
  5. financial expectations expressed by the talent and justified by his/her local rates



The documentary film will not be aired or released for distribution without satisfying the talent's financial expectations. Should the latter prove to be excessive the film director reserves the right to cut out sequences involving the talent even if he/she had approved the pre-release of the documentary film except in the circumstances evoked in pt. 10.



Commercial use of the documentary film induces drawing up another contract which will specify terms unsolved under pts. 9-10-11-12.



The talent certifies that he/she is over eighteen years of age and is competent to contract in his/her own name insofar as the above is concerned.



Any disagreement regarding interpretation of this contract shall be settled by the Court of Justice of the talent's town of residence.



Any change in the contract not submitted in the written form is deemed to be invalid.



The contract has been drawn up in two originals (in English), one for each of the parties.



The talent has read the foregoing release, authorisation and agreement, before affixing his/her signature below and warrants that he/she fully understands the contents thereof.





signature   line     signature   line

date   line     date   line

print or type name   line     print or type name   line
